This post is about a road trip taken recently by Karinzo from Mendi town to Last Karints. The author was so fortunate to have a camera in hand to at least take some photograph along the way. rain and darkness caught up with em along the way and could not complete the photography session all the way to Last Karints but plans to complete that during 2011 Xmas.
This is the popular Magani betel nut (buai) market at Mendi town, taken during a rainy day. This is also the last pick up point by PMVs for Upper Mendi, Highway & Bush Karints as well.
Section of road just after leaving tente catholic mission which is also the section where the sealed/tar ends and onto rough section.
Photograph not clear but this is the road junction for Karints and Upper Mendi. On my right is the road to Upper Mendi and on the left is the Karints road.
This is a typical PMV load from Mendi town to that part of the district. People just hanging out in the PMV housing without any fear for their lives, a significantly at risk behaviour.
These photos shows the condition of the road between map, the junction of bush and highway karints and mendi river bridge.
This is Map, the junction of Bush and Highway Karints. On the right is the road to Bush karints and on the right is the road to highway Karints. The road to last karints is by following the Bush Karints road on the right.
This is the section of a road where two PMVs got stuck on either side hindering other PMVs from completing their route to Bela. This photo was taken at Kongnaltee.
Then its time to walk, passengers taking a walk and will continue for the rest of the journey. Road network here is very poor.
Now this is Bela, the junction of the road which leads to Kap, mulim etc. on the right and Heyap, Posulim, Pembi etc on the left. This two road do meet at Pingirip so to go to Last Karints, you can take either route. This si the PMV bush stop for the Bush Karints population and is only a K2.00 mile from town.
The section of the road between heyap and posulim are displayed in the following photos. It is only accessible by road land cruiser during dry season only. Rest of the time is all nightmare for travellers, muds up to angle's height and so slippery all along.